I la, la, la, LOVE dishes.
I love anything that has to do with dishes. I would collect dishes if I could.
Anthropologie always has just what I need (more like what I want, although cannot afford). Their kitchen stuff just puts a smile on my face.
Famous "Baby Cakes" cookbook. Healthy cupcakes? I'm all over it.
Spice jars. Although, I wouldn't remember what I put in them, I still love them.
Classic and ever so addictive, Latte Bowls.
These Carafes just might be making their way to my home as we speak.
Eggs are a breakfast favorite at our house. This would make them an aesthetic favorite too.
Perfect. Need I say more?
Blow Fish Bowl.
I promise I would drink more water, if I could drink it from these glasses. I swear.
My BFF gave me this mug for my Birthday this year. I use it almost everyday.
This color would send me off day dreaming, mid-meal.
Although I don't eat a lot of butter, I am the proud owner of this butter plate. It's just too cute not to own.
Happy little measuring spoons.
A table cloth that would make any meal taste better.
I'm in the market for cloth napkins. Since we've never used paper towels, we are making the switch to no paper napkins either. This napkin would look great wiping up pasta sauce from my chin.
Do you have a favorite kitchen item that you just can't live without?